Principles of Strength Training for Dancers
It’s no secret that the physical demands of dance have increased exponentially in the past 20+ years. However, dance training practices have not necessarily kept pace with these increased performance demands. Strength training is slowly gaining acceptance as a necessary part of a dancer’s training, but when it comes to actually knowing how and when to implement it, a lot of uncertainty remains. In this webinar, you’ll learn the principles behind strength training, and how you can apply these to your dancers, today!
Hosted by Erika Mayall, Physiotherapist
Founder of Allegro Performance + Wellness and host of The Dance Physio Podcast. Erika has over 15 years of clinical experience treating dancers and artistic athletes and is passionate about sharing this knowledge with the dance community.
In this value-packed FREE masterclass recording, you'll learn:
Why dance class alone isn’t enough to elicit the physiological adaptations required for dancers to gain the strength necessary for the current demands of dance. Gone are the days when simply showing up to class was adequate training for performance and competition.
Basic principles of strength training such as specificity, progressive overload and recovery. Dancers are already exposed to high training loads and repetitive movements. Strength training needs to be implemented thoughtfully and support dance training, not fatigue and overload the dancer.
Practical ways to implement strength training into your dancers’ schedule. We all know dancers are busy and struggle to find time for the ‘extras’. You’ll learn practical ways to fit strength training in, without compromising your dancer’s training or performance.
A message from Erika…
Over the past 15+ years, I’ve worked with thousands of dancers in the clinic and in studios across the province, and the most common thing I see is dancers who lack the strength required to meet today’s performance demands.
It’s no secret that dance has become significantly more athletic in recent years, but dance training has not necessarily kept pace with these increased demands. This leaves dancers potentially unable to meet the required physical demands, and at increased risk of injury.
If dancers are going to perform like athletes, they also need to train like athletes. But many in the dance world are still uncertain about how exactly to go about this, and turn to sometimes questionable resources for guidance.
This is why I decided to offer this FREE webinar on strength training for dancers. I love seeing the dance world start to embrace strength training, but want to make sure dancers and teachers are implementing it in a safe and effective way.