Allegro Performance + Wellness—North Vancouver, BC

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Episode 64: Why Stretching Doesn't Always Work

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There's nothing more frustrating to a dancer than stretching all the time and feeling like you're not making progress towards your flexibility goals. In this episode, I break down why that might be happening. You'll learn the difference between flexibility and mobility, and why 2 key components of mobility - connective tissue and the nervous system - might actually be the thing impeding your flexibility progress.

Podcast episodes mentioned in this episode:
Episode 13: Flexibility for Dancers. Part 3 - The Nervous System's Role in Mobility
Episode 12: Flexibility for Dancers. Part 2 - The Truth About Overstretching

Learn more about Erika Mayall:

I'm excited to announce a FREE masterclass, coming up on Sunday, February 2nd.

The NeuroFlex Masterclass: identifying the missing link to your dancer's flexibility will teach you about the link between the nervous system and mobility, and how to harness the power of the nervous system to improve your dancer’s flexibility.

For more info, and to save your FREE spot, check out